Finding Open Access Articles in Google Scholar

The importance of Open Access (OA) has been highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a need to make information freely available–fast.  One result of this has been that many publishers have made coronavirus-related publications (and, often, most of their content) freely available. Unfortunately, the discovery process for open access articles isn’t necessarily the same as subscription searching. Especially if you do not have access to specific subscription databases.

Digital Scholarship Services recently created a Searching for Open Access Articles research guide, which provides several tips for finding open access works in Fondren’s OneSearch, general search engines, and with browser plugins. Rather than repeat that information here, we’ll dig a bit deeper into using Google Scholar to find openly available versions of articles and other works.

With an increase in institutional and funder open access policies and disciplinary use of pre-print servers, one can often find a freely available version of an article via Google Scholar. Many institutional and pre-print repositories are indexed by Google Scholar, making their contents discoverable. Often, Google Scholar will “match” these versions of works with a published item, if available (like a journal article).

If you don’t have access to the full text of an article that you find in Google Scholar, here are a few ways you may be able to find a free version:

  1. Look for [DOC], [PDF] or [HTML] on the result list. When you see one of these options, just click on it to get the full text. If you are on campus or logged into Google Scholar with your institutional email, the links will often be for subscription content, if available.
  2. If you don’t see [DOC], [PDF] or [HTML] on the result list, look for All versions–there may be a free full text version.
  3. If you still haven’t found the full text, look for Related articles under your article to see if articles on the same topic are available full text.

Google Scholar Search Results



This post adapted content from Ashley Farley’s “Finding Open Access Articles–Tools & Tips,” licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License and COM Library’s “Open Access Journals and Databases: Google Scholar,” licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Rice Digital Scholarship Archive Spotlight: Library Research Awards

Fondren Library’s annual Research Award program is funded by the Friends of  Fondren Library and recognizes students who demonstrate extraordinary skill and creativity in the application of library and information resources to original research and scholarship. Winning papers are deposited in the Rice Digital Scholarship Archive.

Winners of the 2020 awards were recently announced:


First Place: Sophia Martinez-Abbud, “Re-membering Veracruz: A Decolonial Reading of Regional Colonial Cartography”


First Place: Jolen Martinez, “Materials of Movement: Homeless bodies and mobile technologies in a feminist new materialist lens”

Second Place: Molly Wancewicz, “Organized Labor and Faction in the United States, 1930s and 1940s”

Honorable Mention: Jennifer Wang, “Literary Landscapes: A Future for Post-Frontier Regionalism in Literature of the American West”

Rice Digital Scholarship Archive Available to Support COVID-19 Work

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown how important the sharing of information and research results is to help address a worldwide health crisis. It has also disrupted many plans for in-person scholarly conferences and meetings.

The Rice Digital Scholarship Archive (RDSA) is available to support the Rice community during this time. The RDSA provides global access to research and scholarship produced at Rice University. It has long served as the online home for Rice theses and dissertations, faculty, staff, and student work, and historical documents and images. The archive is now also available for new uses, such as:

  • COVID-19 research and/or data
  • For those who have had to cancel events or shift to virtual meetings and conferences, the RDSA can serve as a place presenters can share conference papers and other presentation materials.

Benefits of using the RDSA include:

  • Visibility: When you deposit your work in the RDSA, it becomes available to search engines as part of a worldwide network of research collections–your peers worldwide will be able to find it quickly. Items can also be assigned DOIs, which further helps with citation and discovery.
  • Stability: Each item deposited in the RDSA gets a permanent, citable, linkable URL that will not change or break over time.
  • Longevity: The RDSA provides long-term storage for your materials by managing backups, and ensuring that your work remains accessible at a stable location on the Web and available to search engines. RDSA will help keep works in common file formats up to date, ensuring that as technology and formats evolve, your work will remain accessible and usable.

If you would like to learn more, please contact Fondren’s Digital Scholarship Services at

Rice Digital Scholarship Archive Spotlight: Fondren Library

The Rice Digital Scholarship Archive (RDSA) includes several collections that highlight works created by Fondren Library staff or as a result of Fondren-sponsored projects:

As of today, there are 126 items in library-related collections, ranging in creation date 1995-2020. Items reflect the diverse work and interests of Fondren staff. Although a wide variety of works are welcome in the repository, presentations dominate Fondren staff collections. Presentations often include slides or posters presented at professional conferences.

Fondren RDSA Collections: Item Type

Book chapter 2
Book review 1
Conference paper 2
Journal article 22
Magazine article 4
Presentation 69
Report 5
Video recording 1
Instructional and educational work 20

In the coming year, Digital Scholarship Services staff hope to increase awareness of the collections among staff and encourage staff to deposit their work. We also hope to identify additional works created by the library that might be appropriate for deposit in the RDSA. A survey of other institutional repository library collections has already begun to learn what other types of works might be considered.

Remote Services

Fondren Library has been closed since March 19 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Although library users can no longer physically access the building, most library staff are remotely working and many online resources are still accessible (library staff have provided information about remote access in a LibGuide). This includes access to the Rice Digital Scholarship Archive (RDSA).

If you need assistance with digital projects or tools, scholarly communications issues like copyright or open access, or would like to make your work available in the RDSA, contact Digital Scholarship Services at Staff are available to remotely assist you. A number of online resources are also available, including:

Spring 2020 DSS Newsletter

The Spring 2020 issue of the department’s electronic newsletter was recently distributed to campus via email. It can also be found here.

We welcome feedback on this newsletter and questions about Digital Scholarship Services. Contact

Student Spotlight: Jihyun Kim

Jihyun Kim

Digital projects often require many resources to be successful. This includes the labor of individuals who help to make collections available and usable online. One current Fondren digitization project that is very labor intensive is the Shepherd School Recording Digitization Project. This multi-year project has digitized thousands of vintage Shepherd School of Music performances.

Jihyun Kim, Shepherd School Graduate Student in Composition, has worked on the project for two years. She has participated in several activities, including digitizing cds, matching reel-to-reel recordings with their printed programs, and packing reel-to-reels for third-party digitization. However, Kim says that her current work is her favorite. She is currently using the digitized recordings and programs (available in the Rice Digital Scholarship Archive) to generate time-stamps that will help users navigate the recordings. Kim’s work is helping to make this collection easier to use by helping visitors more easily find and listen to specific works.

Jihyun says that she has learned a lot during her time at Fondren. In addition to learning about the digitization process, she says that she has realized the importance of the musical recording. It serves as a long-lasting record of the work. Kim says that, as a performer, this will encourage her to think about both creating a good performance for the audience and for future listeners.

You can learn more about Jihyun and hear some of her work at her website.

Data@Rice: Spring 2020 Workshops

This free workshop series, sponsored by Fondren Library and the Center for Research Computing, provides hands-on training in the basics of organizing, documenting, analyzing, and visualizing your data.

Spring 2020 workshops include:

    • Using Excel to Manage and Analyze Data
    • Excel Pivot Tables
    • Introduction to Time Series Analysis
    • Introduction to Access
    • Introduction to SQL
    • How to Share Your Data
    • The Absolute Basics of Jupyter Notebooks
    • Introduction to GitHub
    • Introduction to R
    • Introduction to Shell Scripting in Bash
    • R Visualization & Data Manipulation
    • Python for Beginners
    • Python-Pandas
    • Python Visualization with Matplotlib
    • Web Scraping with Python
    • Introduction to Rice’s Research Computing Infrastructure
    • Excel Charts Tips for Visualizing Data
    • R visualization with ggplot2

Course descriptions and registration can be found on the library website.

One-on-one consultation is also available. Open office hours for help with R, Python, or GitHub is available 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. on Tuesdays or 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. on Thursdays in the GIS-Data Center classroom (basement of Fondren Library). For assistance with issues related to data management, Excel, and other topics, please schedule an appointment using the library’s request form.


Using Images in Theses and Dissertations

Digital Scholarship Services frequently receives questions from grad students about using images in theses and dissertations. Specifically, they want to know if they can use a copyrighted image in their manuscript.

When possible, we encourage authors to use images in the public domain or licensed with a Creative Commons license to prevent any copyright issues. But, generally, there is agreement within the academic community that use of images in theses/dissertations falls under fair use. To help support the case for fair use, we encourage authors to:

  • Only include images that are critical for your work. Do not use them for aesthetic purposes.
  • Include significant commentary about the image.
  • Include proper citations for images used.

Fondren Library has several online resources that can help authors navigate image use in publication:

Fondren Library staff can provide Rice faculty, staff, and students consultation and referral on a number of copyright issues, including fair use, author rights, inclusion of copyrighted material in University courses, and reuse of licensed library resources. Contact us at

Note: Library resources have been assembled with input from Rice General Counsel’s office, but is not intended to serve as legal advice.

Software Carpentry Workshop Scheduled for February

Software Carpentry Workshop

Software Carpentry Workshop

Thursday, February 13-Friday, February 14, 2020

9 am- 5 pm

Develop your computing skills in a free, hands-on workshop taught by experienced instructors. The workshop will  combine short tutorials and hands-on practical exercises. You do not need to have any prior knowledge or experience.

The two-day program will explore:

  • Automating tasks with the Unix shell
  • Version control with Git
  • Introduction to programming with Python

Registration is limited to Rice University faculty, students, and staff. Additional information about the sessions and registration can be found on the library webpage.